Who We Are

The FLIP is a non-profit platform to inspire people in publishing with insight and honesty from brilliant women. We want to help build transparency, representation and equality across the industry by shining a light on great examples of success, providing a space to debate challenges and giving a voice to those finding their way in their careers.



Every other month, we release an interview with a different female leader in publishing.

The FLIPside

Our bi-monthly round-up of industry news and interesting tidbits.


We host quarterly events focused on courageous conversations and creating connections.


We are always looking to partner with publishers and industry organisations so as many people as possible can benefit from the work we do.

Meet the Team


    Omara (she/her) is the Founder of WriteUnite, a nonprofit working to amplify the voices of young people worldwide. She was previously an Assistant Editor at HarperNonFiction.


    Yan (she/her) is Senior Marketing Manager at John Murray Press. She was the Co-Chair of ELEVATE, HarperCollins’ BAME network, and was named a 2024 Bookseller Rising Star and one of The Publishers Association’s People in Publishing.


    Cassie (she/her) is Marketing Manager at Collins, the educational arm of HarperCollins, focusing on the primary reading market. In 2024, she was named an LBF Trailblazer and shortlisted for The Bookseller’s Future Leader of the Year.

How it started

The FLIP was founded in January 2019 by Sophie Christopher, Helena Gonda and Ella Horne.

They wanted to hear more from the amazing women successfully navigating their publishing careers – and they weren’t alone. Within 48 hours The FLIP had 2,000 subscribers and press coverage in the Evening Standard and trade press.

In 2022, Ella and Helena passed the torch to new hands so that the platform would continue to connect and inspire women in the industry. They have dedicated their time running the platform to the memory of Sophie Christopher, who died in June 2019. The FLIP started because of Sophie, and will always be a part of her legacy.